5 Different Types of Diets and What They Stand For

Diets, diets, and more diets. There are thousands of diets out there. Some are extreme while others are more sustainable. Experts urge you shouldn’t do anything for a quick fix, but rather, make positive changes to your daily eating habits in order to get the results you want, whether it’s to lose weight or to get your heart in better health.

With all the diets out there, we’d like to give you the lowdown on the most popular to see if one of them is right for you when it comes to making positive changes in the New Year. Just be sure you have a chat with your doctor first!

1. Atkins

With the Atkins diet, you’re going low-carb. This is a great choice if you need to lower your insulin levels. You can eat as much protein and fat as you want on this diet, though it’s not very sustainable for the long-run. It is risky for those with heart problems though, so get your doctor’s approval.

2. The Zone

With the Zone, you have to uphold a balance of 40% carbs, 30% fats, and 30% protein in every meal. This is not for those of you that hate math, but it is ideal for controlling insulin levels and tends to be more effective than other diets in doing so. You’re also allowed to eat high-quality carbs and good fats, which certainly makes it more appealing.

3. Ketogenic diet

It started out as a treatment for epilepsy but now even those that don’t suffer from it are using it as a way to reduce carbs and eat more fats. When the body gets into ketosis, it burns fat instead of carbs. Many people have had great success with losing weight on it, however it is very difficult to keep up as a way of life for a long period of time since it’s so restrictive.

4. Vegetarian and Veganism

Both of these are a way of life rather than a diet that limits your choices for a short span of time. With vegetarian diets, you’re allowed to eat eggs, dairy, and honey. For vegans, no animal-based products can be used. That goes for the clothes they wear and products they use topically too. Going either of these routes is said to boost longevity and improve organ function. It’s also easier to follow and less restrictive with all the exciting innovations in meatless cuisine.

5. Mediterranean diet

One of the most sustainable and well-liked diets is the Mediterranean diet. The emphasis of this diet that copies the healthy eating habits of those living in Mediterranean countries is to eat many plant-based foods, nuts, whole grains, and olive oil. Cheese and yogurt are also allowed with a moderate amount of fresh fish and poultry allowed. Small amounts of red meat and wine are also on the menu. It’s best for improving your quality of life and reducing your chances for disease.

While all of these diets are different, so are our needs. Choose what’s best for your health and sustainability.