7 Great Grilled Fruit Tips to Try This Summer

Something truly magical happens when you take the bounty of summer fruits and put them on the grill. They get a sweet, caramelized flavor and have a juicier mouthfeel that’s nothing short of spectacular.

This summer, instead of setting out a fruit platter at your pool party or backyard barbecue, take your fruits to the next level by putting them on the grill. These 7 tips will help you do it right!

1. Choose firm fruits for best results

When it comes to fruits on the grill, the firmer the better. Anything really goes as long as it’s not overripe. Think watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, peaches, bananas, and pears for example.

2. Stick to big pieces

Fruit can be even more delicate than certain vegetables on the grill. Keeping it in larger hunks is always best. If you should be using smaller fruits though, like cherry tomatoes or strawberries, use skewers. Even better, buffer each piece of fruit with a marshmallows and you’ll have an amazing summertime grilled dessert!

3. Keep it hot

When the grill is hot, you have less chance for sticking. You should heat it to medium high for a minimum of 10 minutes before attempting to add your fruits. Be sure to scrape the grates first. You should gently mist your fruits with safflower oil to keep them from sticking and to avoid adding an oily flavor to them.

4. Add a little sugar to citrus

For the family of citrus fruits, add granulated sugar to them on an oiled grate. This stops them from sticking and adds a nice caramelized touch. They not only make beautiful garnishes with that slightly-charred color, but they also work brilliantly in cocktails or even a simple pitcher of lemonade.

5. Resist the urge to check

Patience pays when it comes to fruit on the grill. Give it a few minutes before looking for grill marks. Your fruits need time to sear to keep from sticking.

6. Denser fruits need more time

Just like with veggies, the denser a fruit is, the more time it will need to grill. Pineapples are a prime example here. Putting the lid on for a few minutes at a time can help. Just remember to check on it every 5 minutes until done. When it’s hot in the middle, it’s done.

7. Capture the juice

Some of the fruits you’ll grill will put out lots of juice thanks to the high heat. Don’t waste it though. Have a rimmed baking sheet at the ready and pop your finished fruit pieces on there to capture that juice. It makes for amazing cocktails you can use during your  party.

Is your mouth watering yet? Get your grill fired up and get out there with your fruits!