Why You Should Avoid Junk Food at All Costs for Your Health

It’s no surprise that junk food isn’t a good choice for your health. But the sad fact is many Americans are still eating it in record numbers. We’re a society based on conveniences and quick fixes. Busy lifestyles make us more prone to driving through the drive-thru or dumping something out of a box onto our plates instead of prompting us to cook.

People are cooking less than ever now, a tragedy because preparing delicious meals that are healthy is easy and doesn’t take much time. We urge you to eat well for your health, because without good health, you have nothing.

We’re not talking the occasional splurge here and there, by the way. We’re talking about a daily intake of processed foods. If you look in your fridge and cabinets, what’s there? If you have mostly whole foods and minimally-processed pantry staples, you’re in good shape. If not, perhaps knowing how junk food can harm your health will get you to change your ways.

– Obesity

One of the most obvious problems with junk food is that it leads to obesity. If you really want to be shocked, watch movies from just 30 years ago and see how much healthier everyone looked. Few people were morbidly obese back then. It’s not an aesthetics issue either. If you’re obese, you have a higher risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other dangerous health conditions.

– Type 2 Diabetes

Speaking of diabetes, when you eat lots of processed sugars, your insulin levels elevate. By eating foods that lack fiber and proper nutrients, your insulin levels stay high which makes your cells ignore it, causing insulin resistance. Obesity and type 2 diabetes tend to go hand-in-hand.

– Depression

Studies have shown that the healthier you eat, the more well your mind feels. It’s not to say that it will cure depression, however, if you’ve been feeling low, your diet could be to blame. Talk to your doctor and start shifting toward healthier, more nutritious foods and you could be feeling mentally well again in no time.

– Deficiencies in Nutrients

The biggest problem with junk foods is that during processing, essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber are removed. You need these things to fuel your body and without them, you will lack energy and lower your immunity. When your body doesn’t have what it needs on a regular basis, it can be very dangerous for your health.

– Problems from High Sodium Levels

Sugar isn’t the only problem with junk food. There is also too much salt in much of the American diet. What happens is that it leads to high blood pressure. Americans don’t eat as much potassium as they should either, which would help counter the effects of sodium. With a rise in blood pressure, you’re at risk for heart disease as well as liver and kidney disease.

Take your health back in your hands by steering it on track. Make healthier choices when you eat and keep junk food to the bare minimum. Your health is depending on it!