10 Foods That Taste Much Better In The Fall

Fall is upon us, and it’s time to buy not just the freshest produce but also delicious foods that are at their peak. Here are ten foods that taste much better in the fall.


Potatoes are in season in the fall and are not just healthy but also taste better since they’re fresh from the farm. Instead of increasing the quantity you eat, talk to your grocer about new and tasty varieties like purple potatoes.


Athletes eat beets a lot since research shows that they help boost endurance. So if your workouts have been feeling sluggish, don’t hesitate to reach out for a raspberry-beet smoothie. They’re quite delicious and versatile, fitting well into a healthy diet.


Looking to satisfy your taste buds in the fall? Shellfish often hibernate in the winter during which they eat a lot to fatten up. The food they eat is stored as glycogen, and it makes them sweeter during the fall months.


This ray-thinned fish doesn’t just taste better in the fall but is also more affordable during the season. Be sure to load up on this fish when next you visit the supermarket.


Fall represents the apple season, which is an ideal period to go on a picking trip with your loved ones for the freshest apples. Apart from fresh apples, you will also get the chance to sample the flavours of different varieties of delicious food.


Mushrooms generally appear in abundance in the fall, making it the perfect time to enjoy your favourite mushrooms. Your local market will have the best varieties at this time; don’t hesitate to fill up your cart.

Yams and sweet potatoes

As the name indicates, sweet potatoes are delicious and are packed with a plethora of nutrients. Yams also taste better in the fall but are quite different from potatoes. You can stock up and use them to prepare your favourite recipes.


Pumpkins are synonymous with the fall. They don’t just taste better; they’re also a good source of vitamin C and beta-carotene.


Rutabaga can survive extreme weather conditions and ripen in the cool weather. By the first frost, their flavour becomes richer. They’re a rich source of folate, magnesium, calcium, potassium and more.


Another fall food, summer squash is still not available until October in some state; then comes the winter squash, so seasonal transitions won’t squash your squash cravings.

And that’s all for the top 10 foods you should try out this fall to see which one appeals to your taste buds. Thankfully, they’re not just delicious but also highly nutritious.

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