3 Ways to Incorporate Tuna in Your Lunch Menu

Whether you’re on a health kick, want to get more omega-3 goodness in to your diet, or if you just really like fish, we’ve got three tasty and quick ways you can incorporate tuna in your lunch menu. We’re all familiar with the staple tuna and onion sandwich, and when we have the time we can create a crispy baked potato with a tuna and mayo filling, but we’ve decided to be a little more creative with these options…

  1. The Tortilla Wrap Pizza

This is a really versatile lunch that can be used with many, many ingredients – but for today, we’ll stick with tuna. Did you know the wraps you would normally have for an alternative to a sandwich, or with chicken fajitas, can actually make a really great (and much healthier) faux-pizza base? Well, they do! This can be enjoyed warm, straight from the oven with a side salad, or you can fold it in half like a calzone and have it cold later in the day.

  • Simply lay your tortilla wrap out on a flat surface and cover with a thin layer of either tomato puree or blended tinned tomatoes (tomato puree gives you a stronger tomato/pizza taste).
  • Sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese or mozzarella, and add a sprinkle of dried mixed herbs.
  • Finish off with toppings of your choice, including tuna, of course! Add onions for a classic tuna and onion flavor, spinach and mushrooms for a more filling dish, or banana slices if you want to be adventurous (apparently banana and tuna pizza is delicious).
  • Place in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for approximately 5 minutes, or until the cheese has melted.


  1. Tuna Pesto Pasta

If you prefer something more filling at lunchtime, you can’t go wrong with a pasta dish. This can be enjoyed hot or cold, and you can add more vegetables of your choice, to pack in the goodness!


  • 400g dried pasta
  • 200g cherry tomato, halved
  • 2 X 185g can tuna in spring water, drained
  • 2 tbsp soured cream or cream cheese
  • 2-3 tbsp low fat green pesto
  • Handful of flat-leaf fresh parsley, finely chopped (to serve)

Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water and add the cherry tomatoes 3 minutes before the end of cooking time. Once cooked, drain the water, and stir through the pesto, tuna, and soured cream or cream cheese. Finish by serving with the freshly chopped flat-leaf parsley.


  1. Hearty Tuna Rice Salad

This is a great option for busy workers – cook a batch on a Sunday evening, and it can be divided up in to lunch boxes and kept in the fridge for 3 days. Perfect for those who need to grab lunch in the morning on the way out the door!



  • 400g uncooked rice
  • 400g tuna in spring water
  • 200g frozen peas, defrosted
  • 2 bell peppers, deseeded and diced
  • 5 spring onions, finely sliced
  • 1 small tin of sweetcorn, drained
  • Handful of flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • 4 tbsp light mayonnaise
  • juice 1 lemon

Cook the rice in a large pan of boiling water. Once cooked, add to a large mixing bowl and stir to break up any clumps. Add the tuna, and all of the vegetables, including the parsley. Stir through the mayo and lemon juice, and it’s ready to serve!