4 Cooking Tips You Can Use Every Day

Some of the simplest cooking tips can make or break your dinner each night of the week. Since many of us didn’t go to culinary school, we aren’t aware of shortcuts and easier ways to craft some of our favorite meals.

If you’re looking to get a leg up on your cooking for 2018, here are 4 cooking tips you can use every day:

  1. Understanding Garlic

There are many ways to prep garlic. Understanding which way is right for your meal is key. You can slice, chop, or puree the garlic. If you want the garlic to react with the acid in your meal, puree or pressing the garlic is the way to go. If you want it to complement your dish as a hinted taste, chopping or slicing the garlic will give you a different result.

  1. Oil Timing

No, adding oil to the pan before it’s hot is not the way to go. Heat the pan first, and then add the oil right as you’re about to add in your vegetables and meats. That way, it stays crisp and hot, cooking your foods in a savory combination.

  1. Extra or Pure Olive Oil

Extra olive oil is actually fruiter in nature, and can have a bitter reaction with the heat in your pan. Best used for salads and other non-heated meals, you want to use pure olive oil for all of your hot stove cooking desires. It reacts better with the heat and complements the tastes in a more natural way.

  1. Water with Eggs

Yes, before you make an omelet or scrambled eggs, consider adding a little water to mixture. The water will absorb the initial heat blast, leaving the eggs fluffier and more delectable by the end.

Get ready to go make the most out of your kitchen!

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