4 Secrets for Cooking Healthier Meals

We all want to eat healthier and feel better about our bodies. With New Years just around the corner, now is the time to really plan for a healthier future, one that involves low fat, high protein, and highly enriched meals that won’t break the bank.

If you’re ready to turn over a health leaf, here are 5 secrets for cooking healthier meals:

  1. Smart Fats

Not all fats are bad! Go for unsaturated fats, like olive oil or coconut oil, over saturated fats like butter and margarine. Still be sure to use them in moderation as fats are loaded with calories. A certain amount of natural fats are required for your body to operate at peak energy levels each day.

  1. Whole Grains

Grains are good for you – when they’re not processed and stripped of all nutritional value. Whole grains like brown rice and bulgur have their bran intact, which means more fiber, Vitamin B, magnesium, zinc, and other nutrients. Plus, less fat!

  1. Veggies and Fruits

The more vegetables and fruits you eat, the less room you have for sweets and other unhealthy junk food. Get creative with fruits and veggies – cut up veggies into “vegetable fries” and baked fruits like pears for sweet desserts.

  1. Low-Fat Dairy

Dairy can really do you in regarding the calorie department. However, not all dairy is high in fat. Opt for cottage cheese or unsweetened Greek yogurt the next time you’re at the grocery store. These types of dairy products are actually high in protein and calcium as well.

Ready to start 2018 on a healthier note? Follow these 4 tips for achieving a healthier, more nutritious lifestyle.

1 thought on “4 Secrets for Cooking Healthier Meals”

  1. We use refined coconut oil which has the strong coconut flavor removed. With all the scandal ongoing about olive oil, that is something you really need to research and be careful about. Some really inferior oils are mixed by the unscrupulous organized crime.

    Happy Cooking!

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