Black Currant Muffin

Muffin is an American version of a cupcake, a small round or oval pastry, mostly sweet. A sweet, slightly moist dough will not leave anyone indifferent. If you ever try them in life, you will not be able to give it up anymore. And they are also incredibly versatile. use any stuffing, any fruit berries or nuts or ham and cheese, all you want. They will still be beautiful.

The whole secret of cooking is that all the ingredients are well mixed. In the cupcake test, you usually add less oil and sugar and more liquid (milk, kefir, yogurt, eggs), so they are more dietary. Ready-made cupcakes are mini-cakes made from small crumbs with large air bubbles and dense crust, but they are stored no more than one day, so eat them fresh.

And now we will prepare muffins with black currant. The sour berry perfectly complements the sweet dough.

Cooking time: 50 min.

Servings: 9-10 pieces.


6 Tablespoons of Softened Butter

3 Eggs

1 cup of Sugar

3 teaspoons of Vanilla sugar

1 teaspoon of Baking powder

4 Tablespoons of Milk

Pinch of salt

2/3 cup of Flour

4 Tablespoons of Black currant (May also use Blueberries or Black berries as a substitute)  tossed in light coating of flour

For cream :

8 oz Cream cheese

4 Tablespoons of Butter

1 Tablespoon of Sugar powder

food colorings (optional)



  1.  Add Egg, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt into a bowl and mix until smooth white lush mass.
  2. Add a softened butter and mix until smooth.
  3. Add milk at room temperature and after add well-sieved flour with baking powder and mix until smooth (when sifted, the flour is well saturated with oxygen, and the cake becomes more lush)
  4. Add the berries into the dough and gently fold in as to not crush berries.
  5. Spread the dough into muffin tins, fill them 2/3 full, as when baking the dough will rise well

Backing about 20 min 180C\350F\4 gas mark

  1. If desired, you can decorate the muffins with cream. To do this, whip the cream cheese with butter and sugar powder (you can also paint the cream with a dye, but it is not necessary)


Everything is ready. Bon appetit!