5 Hidden Sources Of Gluten You Didn’t Know

If you have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, you may respond strongly and negatively to even trace amounts of gluten. You might have done your best to watch out for sources of the inflammatory substances but here are 5 surprising sources of gluten you should know:

1. Medications and supplements
Just like glue, gluten works as a binder and it is often used in medications, supplements and herbal formulas. However, there are a good number of medications and supplements that don’t contain the proteins. It’s always a good idea to check the labels of medications and supplements to be sure that they are gluten-free.

2. Alcohol
It is common knowledge that a variety of gluten-containing grains is used to prepare many alcoholic drinks and they are seldom distilled from it at the end of the brewing process. If you feel you absolutely have to take alcohol, make sure you confirm that it is explicitly stated that it doesn’t contain gluten.

3. Scrambled eggs
While eggs are naturally gluten-free, some restaurants typically make them with pancake batter to give them fluffy texture. Be sure to always speak to the server or the cook to confirm the ingredients before you order.

4. Potato chips
Potatoes are naturally gluten-free but potato chips seasonings may include malt vinegar or wheat starch for flavoring, which contain gluten. Consider making your healthy version of potato chips at home with seasonings like rosemary, thyme and garlic.

5. Beauty products
Although you don’t put cosmetics in your mouth, they are absorbed into your body when you put them on your skin. Many beauty products like shampoo, lipstick, lotions and soaps contain gluten, so make sure you confirm from the beauty company you use before you order.

The above are the hidden sources of gluten you should know to put an end to the persistent pain and distress you are experiencing.