5 Secrets Behind Barbecuing The Perfect Burger

There’s nothing quite like a barbequed meal – there’s a special kind of smokiness that can only be perfectly achieved when it’s cooked outside in the sun.

And in the better weather it’s time to get the barbecue out and refresh your grilling skills.

If you’re having guests over and are keen to impress, here’s a few secrets on how to up your barbecue game:

  1. Don’t get distracted

It’s way too easy to get caught up in a conversation with a guest or end up running off to get them a refreshment – but the secret is to stay put and focus on the food. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re receiving an influx of compliments for your tremendous cooking rather than having to apologise for the burnt burgers!

  1. Mastering the art of the burger

The burger is probably the most common (and easiest) meal to barbeque. They can be personalised to however the person likes and there’s plenty of choices (lamb, beef, pork, venison, chicken and black bean or mushroom for vegans/vegetarians). All you really have to worry about is a patty and a bun.

Here’s a couple of tips and suggestions:

  • When shaping your burger, always make the patty slightly bigger than usual, as they shrink when cooking.
  • Use your thumb to create a dimple or well in the centre of the patty, as this will ensure that the burgers cook evenly without plumping up.
  • Then it’s time to season. To keep things simple, add some season-all, salt and pepper. If you’re feeling more adventurous, there are certain spices that work better with different meats (paprika with pork, rosemary with lamb, etc.).
  • When cooking, cook on a high heat, but whatever you do – avoid using your spatula to press down on your burgers while cooking. This will cause those flavourful juices to waste – just be patient and let your grill sizzle and preserve the flavour.
  1. Don’t serve straight away

This might sound crazy – but no matter how hungry your guests are, do not serve the burgers ASAP like you may feel inclined to do.

When the burgers are fully cooked, and you have checked the inside for pinkness or the temperature (71°C minimum) – remove them from the grill, cover them with tinfoil, and let them sit for a further two minutes.

This will assure your guests that the burgers are cooked the whole way through, and it will help retain the juices within the burger rather than seeping through the bun.

  1. Always toast the bun

If you don’t toast the bun before placing the burger, the minute you bite into the burger the juices start to flow and the bun will fall apart.

Toasting the bun will create a slightly hardened ‘shell’ almost as a way of enclosing the juices. Also, nobody wants burger juice down their specially saved good weather attire.

  1. Serve and enjoy!

Make sure you have an array of condiments to suit everyone’s tastes including: cheese, tomatoes, pickles, lettuce, mustard, ketchup and mayo to cover the basics.

And there you have it! Quick and simple ways to ensure you’re serving the perfect barbecued burger.

1 thought on “5 Secrets Behind Barbecuing The Perfect Burger”

  1. Don’t forget the thinly sliced onion for those who enjoy it on their burgers!

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