5 Simple Tricks For Healthy Holiday Eating

Holidays are around the corner again, if you will like to relish your conventional holiday food without gaining extra weight, here are five simple tricks for a healthy holiday eating.

1. Be Mindful of Snacks
During holiday periods, there are lots of unhealthy snacks flying around, and of course, they are in excess supply so you can take as much as you like. However, it is advisable that you resolve this problem by staying far from snacks. Mind how you snack, don’t just take snacks because you have access to them. 

2. Thoroughly Chew Each Bite
This is a simple trick to prevent unhealthy eating during this holiday. Eat slowly and wait before taking in a second spoon as it takes up to 20 minutes before your brain can detect that you are filled. It is normal that you are eager to take a bite when you first sight holiday goodies. However, never forget to check the pace at which you ingest.

3. Fiber can Help
One of the most important nutrients that give the sensation of fullness is fiber, so if you want to maintain a healthy eating habit this holiday, always include dietary fiber in your meal. Sadly enough, most of the oft-taken holiday foods have little or no fiber at all. Strive to get fiber-filled foods like veggies, fruits, grains, and seeds of plants.

4. Don’t Take Only Alcohol
If you must drink during this holiday, do well to alternate and strike a balance between water and alcohol intake to remain hydrated. Never be full of alcohol; use water to reduce alcohol calorie.

5. More of Vegetables
This holiday season, stay healthy by taking more of veggies – salads, peas, carrots, green leaves and a host of others will keep extra weight at bay while you enjoy the thrills of the holiday time. Ensure that the bulk of each meal is vegetable and never add unhealthy twists to dress it up.