7 Gluten-Free Grains You Should Know About

Glutens are protein found in grains and starchy foods such as wheat. That are responsible for elasticity in the structure of bread and flours generally. A good percentage (~6-7%) of US residents are gluten-sensitive, and as such, the world is more inclined to Gluten-free lifestyle.This article presents some important Gluten-free grains you ought to know about.

One of the most important grains that is free of gluten is Buckwheat. It is a false grain because in the real sense of it, it is a seed. It is an age-long grain whose origin can be traced to Europe and America. Buckwheat is very useful in making so many recipes at home. Its extract helps to maintain normal body-sugar level.

Millet is yet another Gluten-free grain which is common and of course discovered in Asia. It belongs to the class gramminae and it serves as food to many people in the world. Millet, when used tomake porridge or bread, does not become elastic. Millet is a Gluten-free grain which contains protein, vitamin B1 and B3, manganese and magnesium.

Corn is by and large, an endospermous grain usually classed as a vegetable. It is a whole grain which is free of gluten. Corn, when harvested fresh and eaten does not ferment neither does it has any gluten whatsoever. So if you’re considering a Gluten-free grain, corn is one you can opt for.

Oats makes a good breakfast for many people across the globe, probably because they are easy and quick to prepare. Nevertheless, oats are a good example of Gluten-free grains which is rich in fibre, and this aids digestion of food in the body. Additionally, oats contain beta-glucan that aids in reducing cholesterol levels.

Kaniwa is a Gluten-free grain that resembles quinoa but tinnier. It provides the body with essential plant protein and has been used in making salads. Kaniwa is a Gluten-free whole grain that can be cooked just like rice or used in improving the protein in soups.

Sorghum is also a good Gluten-free grain which has been used extensively by bakers in making bread that has no gluten. Sorghum, a plant native to United States is equally used in feeding livestock and humans, when cooked. It could be used in making Gluten-free snacks such as pop corn.

Rice is perhaps the commonest grain known to humans. However, it us surprisingly Gluten-free and comes in diverse forms- white, brown and wild rice. Lovers of Gluten-free diets can leverage on rice and make incredible means such as vegetable sushi, fried rice, jalambaya among others without compromising their Gluten-free diet plan.

The world is fast tending towards gluten-free grains in recent tunes because of its healthful effect on gluten-sensitive individuals. Good enough, there are a whole lot of grains devoid of grains, just seven of them has been discussed in this article. To stay out of gluten, whole grains is the answer.