8 Healthiest, High Fat Foods You Should Be Eating

Many people have skipped fat foods because of high levels of calories but the body needs a certain amount of fat for healthy functioning. You should stock up on these fat foods as they’re delicious and contain loads of nutrients. Here are 8 healthiest, high fat foods you should be eating.

Although formerly assumed to be too high in fats and calories, recent research has now shown that avocados are good for your health. They can help reduce cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease and diabetes. They also contain lutein which is good for eye health.

Eggs have always been a popular source of protein as well as nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin B, Choline, lutein and more, all of which supports the function of the liver, brain, nerves and muscles. They’re a great option for those following a vegetarian diet.

Dark chocolate
You will do yourself a lot of good by eating dark chocolate more often than only to stave off sweet cravings as it’s packed with anti-inflammatory compounds to protect your heart.  It can also improve brain function, especially for older people with mild cognitive difficulties.

Olive oil
Studies have shown that olive oil is far more beneficial than we’ve always assumed. It can help slow down aging process as well as lower the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Researchers recommend olive oil that’s been naturally extracted as it retains more medicinal properties than processed oil.

Fatty fish
If you’re looking to add healthy fat to your diet, consider choosing fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel and trout as they’re packed with unsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids which enhance brain and heart health.

Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt contains good prebiotic bacteria and may help protect against type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Always opt for sugar-free, grass-fed and full-fat yogurt. It can also aid reduce high blood pressure in women.

Nuts are one of the many snacks from nature and they have many benefits. They’re a wonderful source of healthy, unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytosterols that lower risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is another food that people to avoid due to its high concentration of saturated fats but new research has vindicated it. The main type of saturated fats in coconut oil is lauric acid which can help reduce inflammation throughout the body and reduce the risk of infection.

Healthy fats should be a part of your diet as they’re tasty, absorb a host of vitamins and fill you up so you eat less.

1 thought on “8 Healthiest, High Fat Foods You Should Be Eating”

  1. Always appreciate your input on what foods and items that we can and should eat.. The old saying “You are what you eat and you reap what you sow. I try to have my salads and variety of vegies . Try to drink enough water to and work out at the gym M-W-F. Oct 24, 2019. I will be 81 years young. I married my wife Jan 27,2018 and she just turned 65 and keeping me alive. Hay that rhymes . Need one request…I need one smile to go !!! A smile is an extension of your personality. and a “Bad attitude is like a flat tire….If you don’t change it, you’ll never go anywhere,”

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