8 Healthy Food Resolutions to Make for the New Year

One of the hardest things about making New Year’s resolutions is sticking to them. It’s easy enough when you’re tipsy from all the champagne to declare you’re going to eat better in the New Year, but how do you make it happen?

Not to worry. We’ve got 8 healthy food resolutions you truly won’t mind obeying for 2019!

Resolution #1: Cook more at home

With so many meal prep kits available, even if you don’t know how to cook like a pro, you’ll have everything you need to make a gourmet meal that’s good for you. By cooking at home, you save more money plus you save yourself from ingesting processed junk when you cook with fresh ingredients.

Resolution #2: Make simple swaps

When cooking at home, you can get creative by recreating your favorite comfort foods without all the added calories. Make your favorite pasta dish by using spiralized veggies instead. Use quinoa instead of rice. Make cauliflower your new best friend in all your recipes. There are so many ways to eat the foods that satisfy your soul by making healthy swaps that still taste good.

Resolution #3: Don’t deprive yourself

Those who abstain from desserts all the time will be miserable and twice as likely to binge. So treat yourself responsibly. Many brands now have lower calorie options that allow you to enjoy sweets guilt-free. Limit yourself to once a week and watch the portion size so you can look forward to something sweet.

Resolution #4: Say ‘no’ to office snacks

For those of you that work in a big office where the break room tends to be full of free treats for the taking, vow to say no to those things. It’s not that you need to deprive yourself (see Resolution#3 above), but with those daily offerings, you have to exert self-control.

Resolution #5: Go plant-based

Vegan eating is on the rise. While you don’t have to commit to fully going meat-free, you should make more of your meals meatless each week for your better overall health.

Resolution #6: Stay on track most of the time

This is especially for those of you that eat out more often than not. If you’re always on the road with work, you should order healthier items whenever possible and exercise portion control. Choose fish over steak. Choose green veggies over mashed potatoes. And take back half to your hotel room and eat it for lunch the next day.

Resolution #7: Shop smarter at the supermarket

Vow to plan ahead rather than fly by the seat of your pants at the supermarket. Plan your meals and make a list of what you need to get. Avoid the inner aisles of the supermarket where the processed foods are and stay on the perimeter where fresh foods are waiting for you.

Resolution #8: Cut down on sugar

While we condone a regulated weekly treat, slowly cutting sugar out of your daily life is a great strategy for eating healthy in the New Year. Read your labels to choose foods that don’t have added sugar. How many of these healthy food resolutions are you going to make?