8 Unhealthy Kitchen Habits You Must Put An End To

Your kitchen habits might seem unimportant but they can impact your health and that of your family. Here are some unhealthy kitchen habits to break:

  • Washing your hands in a flash

When it comes to kitchen hygiene, the first thing to do is to wash your hands properly as a quick rinse doesn’t cut it. It’s a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before you handle anything.

  • Not preheating the pans properly

Not preheating the pan properly can extend cooking time, dampen the flavor and even increase the risk of overcooking. Make sure the pan gets hot before you pour anything into it.

  • Not keeping the fridge organized

Most people tend to just shove food into the fridge when they get home from the grocery store and this may lead to food poisoning. Make sure your fridge is organized, with the meat at the bottom so the juices don’t drip to other ingredients.

  • Not reading the recipe to the letter

If you’re following a recipe, make sure you read the directions to the letter. To get the desired result, you need to use the exact measurement and follow the steps in right order.

  • Having pets in the kitchen

We get it: pets are adorable. But if you let them into your kitchen, you will be asking for germs, bacteria and fur into the meal you’re preparing.

  • Not washing the sink

Not washing where you wash your dishes increases the risk of your sink becoming a place to spread contamination and diseases. Be sure to keep the sink clean by washing and rinsing it regularly.

  • Using one chopping board for everything

Using the same chopping board for your meat and vegetables is an unhealthy practice and it’s best to get different boards for them.

  • Following the five second rule

There’s the widespread belief that it’s safe to pick a food item from the ground within five seconds of dropping it. No matter how fast you pick it, you will also be picking dirt and bacteria, so ignore the rule.

In all, it doesn’t matter how long you have done all of these, you can put an end to the habits and embrace healthy ones.