How Convenience Foods are Making a Healthier Shift

We poke a lot of fun at millennials. They’re responsible for the decline of a lot of things we’ve come to know as standard, including bar soap. But when it comes to the lay of the land in food, we need to give them a standing ovation.

The demands of millennials for more transparency, sustainability, and wholesomeness in foods is shaking up the culinary scene with delightful results. Decades ago, if you wanted to eat healthy on the go, you had a choice of one unappetizing salad to rely on at most fast food restaurants. Now, you’ll find a bounty of them with things you actually want to eat on them and gourmet-style dressings too. You’ll also find easier ways to swap out ingredients for a customizable fast food experience that allows you to choose a healthier path like low-fat sour cream for tacos, wrapping burgers in lettuce instead of buns, and more.

And thanks to the millennials, the fast casual-style establishments have carved out a huge niche in the market. These places make going out to eat more attainable with bespoke, made-to-order meals using fresh ingredients. They feature counter service and take the wait-staff out of the equation to make getting a delicious and healthy meal quicker and more convenient.

We’re now more aware than ever of what we’re fueling our bodies with, and restaurants from the kind with drive-thrus on up to fancier sit-down dining, are responding by giving us better. It’s farm-to-table. It’s vegan. It’s locally-sourced, and we’re all gobbling it up.

Additionally, for those that are trying to save money, supermarket chains across the country are doing their fair share to attract health-conscious consumers or to make healthy eating more accessible for those on the go. With quick-take meals that are made fresh, sliced up veggies and fruits, and other speedy eating options, we’re no longer limited to burgers and fries for our convenience meals.

How can you eat healthier on the go without wasting time? If you must go out, look for restaurants near the office that offer healthier eating options you can grab quickly. Plan ahead at home to pack a tasty yet healthy meal that you can simply grab and run out the door with, like mason jar salads or bento boxes full of fantastic flavors. Stop by your local supermarket and get something ready-made and healthful to take along too.

With these conveniences for healthy eating, there are little excuses left for saying you had absolutely no options for making a healthy choice while you’re busy. If you want to eat healthier and don’t want to be inconvenienced, you can thank the millennials for making it more accessible. The trend is on the rise, so expect even more yummy yet healthy options for convenience foods to come!