How to Get into the Plant-Based Food Movement

Plant-based diets are hugely popular, but unlike fad diets, this one is here to stay. With research pointing to better health and longevity not to mention a reduced risk for diseases by eating more plant-based foods, it has many people limiting or even cutting out meat altogether for the sake of good health.

You don’t have to completely give up meat if you don’t want to, though you may decide after some time that you’re ready. There are some surprisingly delicious vegan options that will make you completely question why you’d eat meat after you taste them. But regardless of that, let’s take it slow and ease into the plant-based food world.

Replace a few meals initially

Even if you’re all-in on going plant-based, it’s really wise to ease your body into the change. Starting with anywhere from one to three days a week of meatless meals is a good start. Go vegetarian (or vegan if you’re ready) and feel the energy you get from plant-based foods.

Incorporate healthy alternatives to meat

Without meat, you need a new go-to protein to give your body what it needs. There are many tasty options that are plant-based like tofu, tempeh, and seitan. Edamame is also a nice choice. When choosing soy though, go organic so you avoid any GMOs.

Tofu is one that many people are unsure of how to prepare. Make sure you cut it into cubes or slice it first, and then press out the water. You can achieve this with a tofu press or by simply wrapping it in a paper towel and setting it in a bowl for about 30 minutes before preparing. This ensures a perfect texture when you cook it without getting mushy. You’ll find plenty of recipes available for making all of these plant-based proteins.

Choose legumes

Legumes are a wonderful wonder-food, especially when going meatless. Purely plant-based, they contain tons of fiber, protein, and good carbs that will fill you up while balancing your blood sugar. Add them to soups to make them more filling, make stews, try making meatless chili, and much more.

Smooth it out

Another way to get more plant-based goodness into your day is by making smoothies. But before you gag over the thought of drinking pureed kale, you should know there are ways to make your smoothies taste so amazing you wouldn’t believe it was healthy if you didn’t make it yourself.

Freeze bananas ahead of time to give your smoothie a nice chill and texture. Blend two cups of kale or spinach with two cups of coconut water (or even regular purified water). Then add in your bananas, some hemp seeds, and an apple (or other fruit of your choice. It will come out tasting sweet and have everything you need to power you through your day. With the New Year on the horizon, why not make a resolution to be good to yourself? Try adding more plant-based foods to your daily diet and take a step in the right direction for your health.