Our 7 Favorite 2019 Food Trends

It’s a terrible idea to write this while hungry, but we’re already salivating over the latest food trends to hit the scene in 2019. While 2018 had some good ones, like a surge in house-made condiments and pickles, it was also the year that unicorn-everything exploded.

This year, we’re starting off on a much better foot. Check out what you can expect to taste in 2019!

1. CBD infusion

One of the greatest natural breakthroughs of our time, CBD is an alternative to pricey and synthetic meds that, while derived from marijuana, contains no THC so it won’t get you high. You’ve surely heard of it in supplement form, but now it’s coming onto the scene in the form of CBD-infused waters, coffees, and other treats.

2. More vegan

The plant-based revolution is still in full effect, and we’re loving it honestly. Vegan “burgers” have gotten so perfected that you’ll mistake them for the full beefy thing. And if you were disappointed that it was hard to find vegan menu items at your favorite burger joints, get ready because even TGIFriday’s and White Castle are rolling out vegan burger options, which means just about everyone and their mother will too.

3. Cabbage craze

It wasn’t long ago when that whole craze about that detox cabbage soup swept the scene. Then for the last couple of years, cauliflower was THE starch replacement, tricking little kids everywhere into eating “rice” or “pizza” made from a base of cauliflower. Sheer brilliance, indeed, but now, cabbage is giving cauliflower a shove to the right. With more people turning to lower-carb options, cabbage is enjoying the limelight as a replacement for tortillas, lasagna noodles, and so much more.

4. Mezcal-mania

Scotch used to be seen as the classy spirit, but mezcal, which is NOT the same as tequila, is taking the lead. Big brands are jumping into the fun, offering more mezcal options for you. If you were a lover of it before, this is great for having better ease of finding it. If not, you’re about to learn why mezcal is the upscale choice for Mexican spirits.

5. Zingy Za’atar

This Middle Eastern spice mix is a savory delight that is starting to take over menus coast to coast. You can grab it for your own kitchen too, something we wholeheartedly encourage to jazz up baked chicken or bland grain bowls.

6. Sea-based snacks

Roasted seaweed has always been around, and with the interest in Asian cuisine, it’s not note-worthy on its own. However, things like salmon skins, kelp jerky, and puffed water lily seeds are gaining more notoriety. They’re turning heads because they’re healthier versions of snacky things you eat on a regular basis, and they taste amazing!

7. More fats

The fat-free craze is officially over, and we couldn’t be happier. No one wanted those flavorless blobs of goop riddled with synthetics. Instead, thanks to the ketogenic diet, more and more people have clamored for healthy fat options made with avocado, nuts, salmon, eggs, and olive oil. You’ll see more options like this on menus all over to appeal to those on a low-carb, high-fat diet.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! What 2019 food trends are you most excited for?