Stellar Spring Vegetables to Put on Your Plate

With spring blooming around us, now is the time to take advantage of the delicious flavors of spring vegetables. They add a special brightness and flavor to your table that renew your sense of life after a long, cold winter. Eating seasonal produce tastes so much better, plus you can pop these veggies into your favorite recipes to give them a new spring makeover.

Here are some of the spring veggies you should be bringing into your kitchen by the bushel before they’re all gone.


Asparagus is such a versatile vegetable, one that is loaded with vitamin C and vitamin K, plus fiber and folate. It’s so good for you, but you’re probably sidelining it on your plate after sautéing it in butter, aren’t you? True that it’s a simple way to make a tasty side, you can do so much more with asparagus. They’re amazing out on the grill, they can replace broccoli in your stir-fry dishes, they work wonders in salads, and you can even put them on pizza.

Let’s not forget pasta dishes either. Asparagus gives your pasta dishes a spring-flavor that you’ll crave the rest of the year, so get it now. Asparagus also makes a divine soup that is big on flavor and nutrition. Simply steam it and puree it first to get it primed for adding into your big stock pot.


No need to grab the canned variety during spring. Fresh artichokes are in season. You’ll get loads of fiber and vitamins from eating them too. You can steam or even grill them. You can also stuff them with a mixture of bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, and capers and bake them for a heavenly Italian-style take on this delicious spring vegetable. Just don’t forget to trim off the sharp points first!

Snap Peas

Snap peas are more than just delicious and nutritious. They add a brilliant pop of green to everything. They’re crunchy and great as a snack too, but you can toss them into salads, grill them, or make a truly amazing Asian-inspired noodle dish with them. The possibilities are endless!


Radishes taste their best in spring when they’re just a little sweet. If you’re not sure how to use them besides slicing them up onto your salads, you’re missing out. Use them on a veggie plate to dip with hummus for a crunchy, peppery sensation. Slice them and bake them like potato chips so your kids will eat them. You can even pickle them, roast them, make soup from them, or put them in tacos. They’re really much more versatile than you think! With spring here, get in on these spring veggies before they go out of season!

1 thought on “Stellar Spring Vegetables to Put on Your Plate”

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