7 Staple Ingredients Used in Vegetarian Cooking

Let’s face it, there is a slight stigma when it comes to vegetarian cooking.

The words ‘bland’, ‘flavourless’ and ‘unexciting’ often spring to mind – but, with the right staple ingredients, you can turn a boring dish of plain veg into something spectacular while being both hearty and tasty.

Here are 7 ingredients we think you should always have when cooking vegetarian meals:

1. Beans and Lentils

For a vegetarian, beans and lentils are an absolute necessity.

They help bulk out your dishes to create a thicker consistency which will keep you fuller for longer (plus they taste good!).

Whether it’s chickpeas in a casserole, lentils in a curry, refried beans in a fajita – they’re so versatile that you simply cannot go wrong. Plus, there’s plenty of room for experimentation – who would have thought that baked bean stuffed peppers worked so well?

2. Soy sauce

Sometimes with vegetarian meals there can feel like a lack of salt and that added punch of flavour.

But truth be told, soy sauce is one of the holy grails of vegetarian cooking that instantly replaces that missing savoury flavour from meaty meals.

Don’t just save soy sauce for your stir fry – add a little here and there to your mushroom risotto, kale, and even avocado to give it that extra kick.

3. Seasoning

Where in the world would we be without seasoning? Whether it’s refreshing basil or oregano, smoky turmeric or paprika, these are all what cultivate a pot of potatoes or a bowl of green beans into becoming something much, much more!

Top tip: even adding some fresh basil to a sweet dish is one of the best ways of maximising your usage. Ever tried basil ice-cream? You definitely should.

4. Garlic

Whether its garlic bulbs or garlic paste, this ingredient satisfies a crave for something fresh yet pungent, delicious yet spicy.

From pasta dishes to side breads – this ingredient boasts dishfuls upon dishfuls of opportunities. There’s not a lot that garlic doesn’t work with when it comes to savoury meals.

5. Nuts

The great thing about nuts is their wide variety. Almonds and pistachios are great for desserts or cereals, while pesto and pine nuts are also great for salads and wraps.

Even for simple snacking, mixing nuts in a tupperware box is the best way to quench any midday hunger fix.

6. Maple syrup

Not just for bacon and pancakes – vegetarians can use this natural sweetener for baking cakes, glazing over sweet potato fries or morning cereal, and even adding it to a veggie burger to give it a unique American-style twist. And, of course, pancakes – minus the bacon. Instead replace with fruit for a healthier and fresher option for breakfast time.

7. Cheese

And last but not least, cheese. Simple yet super effective.

That iconic flavour and creamy texture is exactly what you need to tie in all the flavours of your veggie lasagne, or be the main feature of your macaroni.

Even if you’re stuck, you can’t go wrong with a good ole cheese ploughman’s sandwich for your lunch. Simple, but effective.