Foods That Are Naturally High In B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that’s highly needed by the body. It is often recommended to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to prevent major birth defects as well as a deficiency in babies. Here’s a list of foods that are naturally rich in B12 you can snatch right up in your local grocery store.

Animal liver and kidneys
Organ meats are highly nutritious and are packed with high amounts of vitamin B12. When you eat 3.5 ounce serving of lamb liver, you get a massive amount of the nutrient, up to 1500% of the recommended daily intake of B12.

Clams are low fat, high protein seafood choice that serves as an excellent source of several minerals including B12. They have high concentrations of B12 as 20 clams can provide as many as 3,300% of the recommended daily intake. They’re also rich in iron, zinc, and magnesium.

Sardines are small, oily fishes of the herring family and are usually sold canned in water, oil and fresh. They contain nutrients like calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins, including B12. In fact, a 150-gram serving of the fish provides two times the recommended daily intake of B12.

There are many juicy and tasty recipes out there, but very few people know that they’re packed with nutrients like iron, zinc, protein, omega-3s, niacin and even vitamin B12. One steak weighing 186 grams provides more than 200% of your B12 daily needs but if you want higher considerations, consider buying low-fat cuts of meat. It’s also best to grill or roast it instead of frying.

Tuna is a commonly consumed fish and is an excellent source of high-quality protein. It’s rich in nutrients like amino acids, omega-3 fatty acid, iron, magnesium, calcium, and so on. Both fresh and canned tuna provide a high amount of vitamin B12, more than 150% of the daily recommended intake.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 in an average individual is about 2.4mcg, but pregnant, and breastfeeding women might need a higher amount. Thankfully, the foods above can provide more than the amount you need each day.