5 Foods You Should Eat To Boost Your Immunity This Season

As the winter season approaches, the weather is gradually getting colder, and of course, the immune system is more prone to weakening. The direct implication of this is high susceptibility to sore throats and other tracheal infections. And that is why you need some fruits that can boost your immunity included in your diet. Here are 5 fruits to eat this season.

Turmeric: Turmeric has become more popular in the last few years due to the benefits it offers to the body. Turmeric contains curcumin, a chemical substance known for its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Additionally, curcumin aids digestion and cleanses the liver. Tumeric can be added to the daily diet by using it as curries, daily tea and as part of roasted vegetables.

Pineapple: Another immune-boosting fruit you should be eating this season is pineapple. Pineapple has bromelain, an enzyme responsible for protein metabolism. Besides, pineapple contains other chemical compounds that are anti-inflammatory in nature, helping in relieving a sore throat. Nasal congestion can be cleared with a regular intake of pineapple extracts. You can take it as a drink or eat alongside smoothies.

Blueberries: Dust off the cold and flu’s that characterizes this season with blueberries fruit. Blueberries are yet another fruit that can boost your immunity this season. Blueberries come with a whole lot of antioxidants which can heal coughs and colds. The flavonoid present in blueberries also reduces the likelihood of catching a cold when included in one’s daily diet.

Orange Fruit: If you wish to keep diseases at bay this season, you should include this wonderful fruit in your diet. Orange fruits have vitamin C which mops up free radicals in the body. By so doing, the immune system is boosted and infections are kept at a distance. Furthermore, the vitamin C present in orange helps in forming collagen, a protein that makes the skin shine and glows.

Apples: Apple contains photochemical antioxidants and vitamins that can keep you healthy throughout this season. The antioxidants can equally help to raise your immune system and lower your proneness to chronic ailments.

Finally, fruits generally have vitamin C and other important chemicals that can check flu and cold, the two major diseases that usually follow the winter season. If you’re set to boost your immunity this season, then take fruits as part of your daily food.