Plant-Based Protein Ideas for Meatless Mondays

Plant-based protein has been growing in popularity and for a number of sound reasons! The benefits of eating meatless or plant-based even once a week start with your wallet. Many plant-based sources of protein are more affordable than meat (hello, beans!) and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Eating a predominantly plant-based diet, even just occasionally, is bound to have a positive impact on the environment as a whole and on our physical health. Plant-based diets have been noted to reduce the risk of a number of preventable diseases or conditions like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even some kinds of cancer. If nothing we’ve just said moves you, think of meatless Monday (or whichever day!) as a personal challenge to be more creative and change up the weekly meal plan. If all you plan to do is remove the meat from your meals you’re going to feel like you’re missing out but if you are intentional and put something in its place, rethinking supper can be like a breath of fresh air.

It’s easy to go ahead and picture a plate full of boring steamed vegetables or a chunk of spongey tofu in front of you but there’s another way to go about experimenting with meatless meals. Vegetables of all kinds are way more versatile than we give them credit for. There are innumerable ways to prepare vegetables and without meat filling up your belly, there is so much more room on your plate to fill up with nutrient dense foods. Natural foods like lentils, peas, whole grains, beans, soy beans and soy products, nuts and quinoa are nutritionally sound and full of protein without the extra cholesterol, fat and sometimes even calories found in meat products.

We have compiled a list of six easy, customizable meal ideas to get you started.  

Bean chili with a side of cornbread – Chili is a satisfying, belly warming meal that is completely customizable. It’s easy to throw it together any way you prefer it with several varieties of beans and even added lentils. Mushrooms are also a welcome addition bringing with them a nice meaty texture. With a side of fresh buns or cornbread you won’t feel like you’re missing a thing.

Tacos or a taco salad – One evening that’s sure to please even the most skeptical of meat eaters is taco night! Cook up some black beans, lentils or classic refried beans for your protein source. You could use soy based ground round but the beans would be just as satisfying, a little more natural with a wonderful source of protein and fiber. Top these with your favorite taco ingredients, cheese, salsa, guacamole, a little lettuce and hot sauce – delicious!

Veggie burgers or black bean burgers – Buy these in the freezer section or make them at home and top them with whatever you usually like on your burger! Have a side salad and few sweet potato chips and you have a veggie packed supper that tastes like a fun summer barbecue!

Breakfast for supper – You can go any direction with this one! You could go for an easy egg dish like a loaded frittata or, as I would prefer, something like pancakes! Put a little ground flax seed in the pancakes for added fiber and protein, add some nuts or spread nut butter on top. Have a side of scrambled eggs or a glass of milk or soy milk for an added protein punch. Top everything with some fresh fruit and you have yourself a filling and comforting plant-based supper you won’t want to stop eating.

Stir-fry – Stir-fry is crazy customizable. You can put it on top of simple ramen noodles, rice or quinoa – quinoa is an excellent source of protein. You can add in lots of wonderful veggies with some lightly steamed broccoli, carrots, onions, celery, bock choy, peas, baby corn and for extra protein add some soy beans, peanuts or cashews. Another option, if you feel adventurous, is adding tofu. Stir-fry is all about the sauce you choose to bring it all together. 

Pizza – Lastly, pizza night!!! This is what I’m talking about readers, make your meatless days, fun days! Make your own dough or purchase pre-made and then load it up with all of your favorite veggies and a few kinds of cheeses! You won’t even miss the meat. It couldn’t be more simple: Slather on the crimson sauce, layer some of your crisp, fresh veggies and sprinkle the cheese. On top of that add a few more veggies and a little more cheese! Sometimes less is more but when it comes to pizza, sometimes more is just more.

One of the challenges of adopting a meatless or plant-based meal once a week is figuring out how to make a satisfying meal. Don’t just remove your meat and be sad about it, take this opportunity to eat the things you love a little differently!