Five Trends to Follow if You’re a Foodie

This has been an exciting year for the food world. The new, so-called millennial, generation has apparently stopped to be a question mark and is now well embraced by the food community. It has become clear that the world of food and drinks has a new direction, a fascinating one by the way.

On the downside, the earth seems to be holding its breath as we all feel judgment day upon us, political instability, ecological disaster, it all permeates the way we live today, and especially what we eat. This is why we’ve compiled the five most exciting trends in the gastronomic world today. 

1. Organic and GMO foods still on the rise

The organic food movement seemed like a fad at the beginning of the 21st century; it’s almost standard practice today. This is not going away; people want to eat healthy food, grown with care by determined farmers. 

More people want to enjoy non-modified crops and are way over genetically foodstuff. There’s still a long way to go, but the numbers don’t lie, people care more about what they put in their bodies than ever before.

2 Eco packaging

We’ve all seen the pictures; the oceans are a mess. This year really set the trend with eco packaging. Plastic straws are becoming a rarity (not enough, though) and plastic bags are frowned upon at a global scale. Is it too late? Let’s hope not, so this is a trend we should all embrace.

We use over 500 million plastic straws every day, and that’s only in the USA. The takeout and delivery food business models are responsible for lots of waste, but the big players are chipping in. Uber Eats, for example, is putting lots of effort into making their partners use biodegradable packaging.

3 The Pegan diet

Yes, this is a thing now. The result of vegan and paleo diets having a baby; this one might take off soon. Designed by bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman, this diet is intended to become a lifestyle rather than a short-term diet. The diet is based on whole grains, nuts, vegetables, fruit, and some meat, yes: meat! A focus on fatty fish and pasture-raised meat are allowed, but no dairy. Taking care of yourself seems to be getting harder.

4. Meat alternatives

The quest for meat alternatives is still a hot topic. Impossible Foods was founded in 2012, with their 21-ingredient vegetable-based impossible burger, the company started an industry race to get the best, cheapest, and tastiest alternative to meat into the market. Expect to see vegetable-based sausages and even whole cuts of beef soon. 

5. Sipping vodka

The beverage industry evolves fast, but what appears to be one of the most interesting trends is sipping vodka. Brands like Nero Premium Vodka in the UK, and small-batch, pot still vodkas from major houses are kicking in. Vodka is a great mixer but has lost ground against gin. It seems vodka producers are looking the other way, to compete in the sipping spirit category.

These are exciting times for foodies. What other trends do you think are going to set the pace this year?