Is Eating Cold Food Healthy?

Ever wondered if eating cold food is good for your health? Studies indicate that while consuming cold food might appeal to many people, it can actually be detrimental to your health in the long run. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), here are some the key ways cold food negatively affect your health: 


The human body digests warm food better, which makes the process faster. That doesn’t mean that the human body doesn’t digest cold food efficiently; rather, it means that the body has to work more to digest cold food. In other words, the body expends more energy, warming the cold food you put into it. 

Circulation of blood and fluids

Coldness slows things, and when you consume cold food, it slows down the circulation of blood and fluids in your body. Your blood might not stop flowing, but it can become stagnant, and this could lead to a variety of conditions in women, such as endometriosis, menstrual clots/clamps, etc. This explains why ladies reach for a hot water bottle or heating pad each month to help with cramps. 

Irritation to the throat

If you have a sensitive throat, eating cold foods like ice cream can be an especially bad idea for you as they may cause soreness, irritation, and even pain. The reason is that sensitive throats are highly reactive to lower temperatures. 

Other complications

Excessive consumption of cold food can send a shock throughout your body which may lead to a number of health issues including fatigue, weight gain, chronic sinus infections, excessive bloating

The simple truth is that the human body has still not evolved to handle cold foods, so these foods may take their toll on your body in the long run. It’s okay to eat cold foods but do so sparingly.