6 Baking Mistakes You Must Avoid

Want to bake a perfect cake from scratch? Knowing the pitfalls to avoid can help you pull an incredible cake out of the oven. Here the top 6 baking mistakes to avoid. 

1. Using cold ingredients 

Sure, the recipe says dairy ingredients like butter, eggs, and milk should be used at room temperature, but who’s got the time? Getting impatient and using cold ingredients will only result in dense treats that are unevenly baked. Certain ingredients work best only at room temperatures, so be sure to have everything out at room temp before you bake.  

2. Not measuring the ingredients properly 

Another common mistake is failing to measure the ingredients properly, as baking requires a high level of precision. Rather than scoop ingredients out of a bag to use, consider using measuring cups and spoons so you can achieve the perfect bake.

3. Not allowing the cake to fully cool

This is another instance where impatience rears its ugly head. It can be tempting to dig into the cake when you bring out from the oven, but resist the urge and let it cool before you do anything so the final texture will be at its best. 

4. Opening the oven door again and again 

Curiosity killed the cake. Frequently opening the oven door to peek raises the risk of having a cake that’s unevenly due to sudden drop in temperature. So be patient and leave the door closed until the minimum stated time on the recipe. 

5. Baking at the wrong temperature 

Even if your oven is preheated, it may still not be at the right temperature. If your oven runs too hot or too cold, you may have a hard time knowing the right baking time per time. To ensure your oven is heated at the right level, you might want to invest in an oven thermometer. 

6. Substituting ingredients 

If you’re yet to master the art of baking, don’t be tempted to substitute one ingredient for another or add extra ingredients. For example, if the recipe says you should use butter, don’t use oil; otherwise, you might end up with a flop. 

Baking might seem to be pretty easy, but things can go awry very quickly if you don’t know things to avoid. The tips above can help you get the perfect rise every time.