The Best Way To Defrost Frozen Fish

Frozen fish has, over time, become a popular choice over fresh fish for many people and for good reasons. Most fish are usually frozen as soon as they’re caught, so they don’t lose their freshness or flavor. Plus, it is a less expensive option, but the only downside is obvious: you’ve got to defrost the fish. 

While there are many ways of defrosting frozen fish, it’s crucial to know which method helps it retain its good flavor and the right texture. There’s also the time factor to take into consideration. Here’s the best way to defrost frozen fish safely and quickly. 

  1. Place the fish in a plastic bag and tie the end to completely seal it so water won’t touch the fish, which can destroy its texture. 
  2. Put the fish in a big bowl and cover with water that’s cooler than room temperature until it is completely submerged.
  3. Using hot water or warm water can mess up the fish’s texture, defrost the fish unevenly, and change its taste. 
  4. As an alternative to number 2, run the fish under cold running water to defrost it. This alternative can defrost the frozen fish faster than putting it in a big bowl of water, but the drawback is that you will be wasting water. 
  5. Check the fish to see whether it has completely defrosted by pressing your finger against the fish. If it still feels frozen in the middle, continue to thaw it. 

Using cold water is arguably the best way of defrosting frozen fish. You don’t have to worry about the sporadic heat of the microwave or that bacteria may grow on its surface when left out on the counter at room temperature. Using cold water helps preserve its freshness, texture, and flavor.