Top 5 Cancer-Fighting Foods to Try in 2020

Do you know that what you eat could help you keep diseases away? Yeah, there are some foods that will actually fill your belly while helping you fight cancer. Read on to find out what they are.

 Berries: Berries contain antioxidants compounds that are known to protect your cells from damage that are linked to cancer. They also boost your immune system while counteracting, reducing and repairing damage to your cells. Berries fight lung, breast and skin cancers (among others).Eat as much and as many types of berries as you can: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries.

Grapes: Grape skins contain a plant chemical called resveratrol. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that keeps cancer cells from growing. They combat liver, stomach, breast and colon cancers. Grapes can be eaten raw. They could be added to salads or eaten as snacks.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain an antioxidant known as lycopene. It protects cells from damage whiling, killing those that don’t grow properly. A steady consumption of tomato-based foods will help your body combat breast, lung, skin, prostate and mouth cancers.

Cruciferous Vegetables: Vegetables like broccoli, kale and cabbage contain potential cancer fighters like glucosinolates, crambene, indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane. All of these compounds keep cancer at bay by helping rid the body of carcinogens and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. They help fight stomach, breast, skin, mouth, pharynx, larynx and oesophagal cancers. Make sure you eat them raw or lightly steamed because they lose powerful phytochemicals when overcooked.


Finally, Tea (black, green, or whatever colour you find) is another cancer-fighting food that is full of antioxidants known as catechins. Lab studies revealed that they stop the growth of cancer cells while reducing the size of cancerous tumours. Tea helps fight your body fight colon, liver, breast, prostate, lung, skin, bladder, stomach and pancreatic cancers.