Essential Cooking Skills to Consider Learning This Year

Here are essential cooking skills to consider this year:

  1. Pan Roasting Steak: Steak is delicious, there’s no way around it. Pan searing steak is one skill you’ll want to master this year if you want to be the creator behind a remarkable dinner. Before searing, bring your meat to room temperature. Heat the oven to 500 degrees, and place the steak in a 10 to 12-inch cast-iron skillet inside the oven. Coat the steak lightly with oil or butter, and place it in the skillet for only 5-minutes. Voila!
  2. Roasted Vegetables: No, you don’t need to slice and dice vegetables until you can’t lift your fingers anymore. The hotter, the quicker, and the better if you turn the oven up to 400 degrees. Just a few cuts into the vegetables, drizzled with oil and salt and pepper, and these vegetables will take on a whole new life.
  3. Poached Eggs: If you’re tired of scrambled eggs, consider poaching one this year. Poached eggs are healthier than fried options, and can be achieved in any pot. Bring water to a boil in a small pot. Put in a spoon and make a whirlpool by stirring it heavily for a minute. Drop the raw egg into the middle and let it sit for 3-minutes. The poached egg will be ready to go!


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