Why Cooking is so Good for Your Health and Your Soul!

How many times would you have wanted to try a recipe but you gave up in front of the unfamiliar cooking? How many times have you found the online recipes too difficult, as if some fundamental passage were missing? We thought of meeting you with a new section ready to reveal all the little secrets of cooking, to learn together to cook and to feed ourselves better and better!

Maybe you’ve never thought about it, but cooking is actually the key to a healthier and complete diet. It allows you to vary in the choice of dishes, how to propose them, stimulates the imagination and the desire to experiment with new foods, thus ensuring a varied and balanced diet, rich in all the nutrients necessary for the body to function properly. Research has also shown that there is a link between eating out-of-home foods and a poorer diet.

You choose what to eat! The better you will know the foods, the more autonomy you will have at the stove, without the need to mechanically follow a diet, but by choosing food every day according to your tastes!

Cooking gives you freedom if you cannot cook you risk always eating at the restaurant or eating only frozen or precooked foods, and this is a damage to your diet, which must be rich in fresh food and low in too fatty condiments (and in the restaurant, it’s not always like that!)

Cooking is good for your health (and often also for the diet!) Because you learn to know exactly the right amount of salt, oil, and seasoning for each dish! Art is in balance and size, and a good dish must also be healthy, that is light and easily digestible. Think about how many things affect the choice of meals: personal taste, special occasions, religious rules, traditional customs, preparation time and, in many cases, even the economic aspect. Learning to cook you will be planning a meal and choose more consciously what to prepare!

Cooking is good because you learn the basics of any recipe! To organize a dinner with the bribes you do not need to be a great chef, but still need a certain familiarity with the tools of the trade, because, among us, the recipes of the great TV will make your mouth water, but if you do not from the basics it is difficult to double without even being sure of the result!

At the stove, you can rediscover the pleasure of pleasing yourself and others! A compliment in the kitchen is often underestimated … but the fatigue used in the kitchen gives life and smiles! The compliments to the chef for you will be the order of the day and your self-esteem will benefit enormously!

The more you become good, the more your creativity will increase! Remember that if you cannot cook some foods, you risk excluding them from your diet, which in doing so becomes poor and lacking in some nutrients, while knowing different foods and knowing how to cook them is a powerful weapon in cooking that allows you to eat more fully and to give vent to your imagination, eliminating the risk of getting bored at the table!

Teach your children to cook! Recovering the flavors of tradition is an excellent trick to pass on to your children the love for cooking: nutrition plays an important role in health and knowing how to cook is the key to a more conscious and therefore more genuine food future.

Improvising is not always possible, but with the right equipment and the right skills, you will always be able to prepare a menu even at the last second or when it is very little in the fridge!