Almond Chicken Skewers

  • Prep time: 15 min
  • Cook time: 5 min
  • Total time: 20 min


  • Chicken mince 500g
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Mustard powder ΒΌ teaspoon
  • Black pepper (crushed) 1 teaspoon
  • Onion (chopped) 2 tablespoon
  • Green chili (crushed) 1 table spoon
  • Bread crumbs 4 table spoons
  • Egg 1
  • Almonds (crushed) 25-30
  • Oil for deep frying


  1. Take mince, salt, mustard powder, black pepper, onion, green chili, breadcrumbs and egg in a chopper and chop it properly.
  2. Take this material in a bowl then add crushed almonds in it and mix it properly for uniform distribution of almonds
  3. Now put some oil on your hand so the material will not stick to your hand.
  4. Thread material into the skewer and give it proper shape with oily hand.
  5. Take oil in skillet and deep fry skewer for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown on medium flame.
  6. Put it on paper towel to soak extra oil
  7. Serve it with tomato sauce