Benefits of Drinking Green Tea for Your Skin

Green tea, made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis plant is one of the commonest drinks when it comes to skin health. The tea has been used extensively in Asia for ages because it has a lot of health benefits, improving body immunity and aiding retention of the brain.

Of fact, green tea is the chief ingredient used in the manufacture of many cosmetic products all over the world today. Drinking green tea is one of the best organic ways of taking care of the skin. Although it is generally healthy to take tea, green tea has a special effect on skincare, some of which are highlighted below.

Green Tea Prevents Aging of the Skin: Skim ages when it is oxidized and becomes flaky and irritating to behold. Green tea contains antioxidants that prevent untimely skin aging. It mops up free radicals from the body, preventing wrinkling of the skin. Epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) is a unique antioxidant present in green tea and it helps in reviving skin cells that are dying. The skin then becomes supple and radiant after a continuous intake of green tea.

Green Tea Reduces Facial Oil: The tannins present in green tea helps in constricting the facial pores, such that less oil spills from them. These tannins equally regulate sebum production which is the oil present in the face. When the skin is oily, it is usually as a result of high sebum production and this can cause irritating acne. Green tea reduces sebum production in the Malpighian layer of the skin, leaving a smooth, less-oily skin surface.

Dandruff Removal: It is amazing to know that green tea helps in removing dandruff from the scalp, the skin of the head. Nothing irritates than an itchy scalp caused by the stubborn fungus at work. Drinking green tea will help you fight off dandruff as the active ingredients it contains are antifungal in action.

Protection Against Sun Burn: Sun-burns is one of the commonest disorders of the skin and it is especially prominent among fair-skinned people. Drinking green tea will protect your skin against skin burn because it contains antioxidants that prevent skin inflammations even when exposed to harmful rays from the sun. The lotion also works in a similar manner on the skin.

The health benefits of drinking green tea on the skin are countless. If you’re considering having a tender, glossy skin devoid of wrinkles and oils, drinking green tea daily is a smart option to explore.