Best Foods to Pack for a Perfect Picnic this Summer

Everyone is rejoicing for summer this year. After that long, cold winter, it’s no surprise. One of the best summery things to do is pack up a picnic to enjoy alfresco with family and friends. Whether you’re off to the lake, the park, the beach, or even your own backyard, a picnic is the perfect way to savor summer flavors.

Wondering what to bring? We’ve got some suggestions so dust off your picnic basket and get ready!

  1. Cooling refreshments

It’s important to stay hydrated while you’re outside during summer, even if you’re sitting somewhere shaded. While lemonade is everyone’s favorite, the sugar content can be counterproductive. Either make your own or bring purified water with slices of fresh fruit in it to flavor it up for a refreshing yet hydrating drink everyone will love.

  1. Cucumber salad

Leafy salads tend to get soggy super-fast. Cucumbers are a summer staple and stay stronger for longer. Marinate them with sliced red onions, chopped tomatoes and goat cheese for a light and lovely salad with staying power.

  1. Build your own sandwich

Ever go on a picnic and get handed a soggy ham and cheese? Nothing makes a good picnic go bad like food that seems unenthusiastic to be there. Instead, consider bringing croissants or a fresh baguette and keeping your meats and cheeses in containers to preserve their perfect flavors. Bring several choices so that you can mix and match the pairings for your idea of heaven. Don’t forget the condiments either. Dijon mustard holds up pretty well as does pesto.

  1. Pickled goods

Anything pickled, like pickles themselves, peppers, or even fruits, makes an ideal picnic companion. They don’t spoil and they can be snacked upon or added to sandwiches.

  1. Vegetables and hummus

Chips are often a popular choice, and if kids are coming along, you might want to pack a bag just to keep the complaining at bay. But one way to satisfy crunch more healthfully is to pack cut up sticks of carrot and celery and bring some hummus for dipping. Want to ease kids into it? Bring pretzel sticks for the dipping as well and you may well find them eating the whole container of hummus!

  1. Watermelon

Lugging a whole watermelon along can be cumbersome. Simply slice it up and pack it to go, or scoop it into balls. You can also make a melon ball fruit salad. It’s sweet, refreshing and healthy all in one.

  1. Cookies

And finally, because picnics should be fun, don’t forget cookies. They’re easy to transport and easy to eat, making them a winning choice!


What are your favorite picnic foods?



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