Best Superfruits to Eat for Your Better Health

To be in the best health, you should be eating fruit in your diet. Experts recommend that you should have five to nine servings of fruit or vegetables per day, but they don’t just recommend any fruit. They want you to eat superfruits because they’re loaded with the good stuff your body needs to help you feel good, live longer, and prevent disease.

From antioxidants and fiber to vitamins and minerals, these superfruits are sublime. Plus, they taste amazing too. Head to your local farmers market and grab some of these superfruits!


As we approach fall, it’s good to know that apples are on the superfruit list. So that whole bit your parents told you about keeping the doctor away with apples is pretty true. Don’t just turn them into sugary pies or slather them with caramel though. Grab one for a snack at your desk or share slices of apples with your kids when they get home from school to keep everyone in the family healthy.


Bananas are a filling superfruit that can taste sinfully sweet. They’re highly portable too. You can slice them on top of cereal or oatmeal, or if you have a nasty craving for milkshakes, use a banana and low-fat milk in your blender. Add a few shakes of ground cinnamon and a couple drops of vanilla extract and you’ll get to indulge without guilt.


Those ruby red grapefruits are fantastic for lowering bad cholesterol. They’re full of antioxidants and enjoying just half of one per day with your oatmeal and black coffee can help put you on a healthy weight loss path.


One of the first fruits to hit superfruit status was blueberries. They have incredible flavonoids in them that help with memory, particularly as you age. Plus, they have plenty of manganese in them, something that helps your metabolism function optimally. Enjoy them fresh-picked for a snack, make a morning smoothie, or toss them onto oatmeal. Even on a salad, you can’t go wrong with this superfruit!


Deep red cherries are amazing for you. They help reduce inflammation, and they make such a healthy and satisfying snack. They’re easy to pack along with your lunch. Perhaps not as easy as a banana, but eating cherries at your desk is a great and healthy way to snack.

And that’s not all! There are tons more superfruits including cantaloupe, pomegranate, pineapple, watermelon, pumpkin (including the seeds!), avocados (yes, they’re a fruit), strawberries, raspberries, plums, and papayas. By eating more of these, you’ll look and feel better. If you don’t normally eat fruit, there’s never been a better time than right now. Try adding some of it to your cereal. Then start bringing some as a snack.

Most fruits are so sweet and refreshing on their own that once you start making a habit of eating them daily, you’ll wonder how you ever went without them!

1 thought on “Best Superfruits to Eat for Your Better Health”

  1. Thanks for the info I am aware of the fruits just not buying them all the time, but I will make a point to buy them more now since I have seen this information. Thanks again. Jack Merenda

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