Celtuce: The New Green You Need

In China, celtuce is everywhere. But in America, most people have never seen or even heard of this odd vegetable unless they frequent their local Asian supermarket. It’s a long, green stem vegetable with a tuft of lettuce leaves on top. Sometimes called celery-lettuce, the main draw here is the stem which is used in many dishes in Chinese cuisine.

Because it’s very nutritious and delicious though, it’s a veggie you should deliberately seek out the next time you’re near the Asian grocery store. It’s not as intimidating as it looks. Sure, the outer skin is tough, but peel it away and you’ll get to the heart of the vegetable.

Preparing Celtuce

There are many ways to enjoy celtuce, but first, you’ve got to prepare it properly. Wash it well, then take off the top and bottom. Cut it in half or into thirds to make it easier to handle. Then remove the tough skin with a peeler, or even better, a knife until you get to the center.

Next, you can choose from a variety of ways to cut it up:
– Shaving – Use a mandoline to cut nice, even slices.
– Julienned – Stack your slices of celtuce and then cut them into matchsticks.
– Peeled – Simply use your vegetable peeler to create paper-thin ribbons.

What to Make with Celtuce

If you’ve never tasted celtuce before, it might be difficult to try to imagine how to cook it. It has a very subtle taste, one that’s a hint nutty, which is why adding less to it is a good plan. You can always look up Chinese recipes for inspiration with using celtuce, though make sure it’s authentic. Those who don’t know will suggest that you soak it in water to crisp it up, but that will only render it flavorless.

Vegetables that have a similar texture like celery, cucumbers, or radishes are another way to find inspiration with using celtuce. It’s a staple for spring dishes that are cold and refreshing, as in a vegetable slaw or a raw salad tossed with a very light dressing. You can bring out the taste more with sunflower seeds, and often, sesame is used too, but it has a stronger taste. Try making a chilled spring salad dish in the way you would with shaved radishes. Experimenting in the kitchen is part of the fun so don’t be afraid to try things out. A great way to get acquainted with your new celtuce is to peel it as described above, shave off a slice and taste it as-is. Once you feel the texture and flavors in your mouth, you should have plenty of ideas on how you’d love to use this fascinating vegetable.