Cold Sandwich Roll Recipe

A Cold Sandwich Roll is the entree you need to make for when having people coming over. It is tasty, easy to make and have a really captivating presentation. Also, this recipe is great to get creative and prepare as many combinations as you like.

Can I make a tuna cold sandwich roll? Of course! What about a four-cheese cold sandwich roll? Absolutely! Use your imagination and create the best combinations!

Preparation time:  90 minutes.
Yields: 12 portions


  • 16 slices of white bread
  • 2 cups of mayo
  • ½ cup of mustard
  • 4oz of swiss cheese, sliced
  • 4oz of ham, sliced
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs, sliced
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of sugar


  1. Mix the mayo with the salt and sugar. Stir really well and set aside to use later.
  2. On flat surface, place a clean kitchen towel and put on all the white bread slices forming a large rectangle. The crusts have to be a little bit over each one.
  3. Using a rolling pin, make the bread slices flat and they will slightly paste to each other.
  4. Spread the mustard all over the bread. Use your favorite mustard, some love honey mustard, others rather spicy ones.
  5. Add the mayo, make sure to cover every spot.
  6. Distribute the swiss cheese and ham. You can use any kind you like the most.
  7. Finally, add strips of bell peppers and slices of hard boiled eggs.
  8. Carefully, and with the help of the towel that is under the bread, start to roll the sandwich, pressing a tiny bit to stick all the ingredients together.
  9. When rolled, place in the refrigerator for 1 hour before serving. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.
  10. Cut 12 slices and serve!