Cooking Meat, Fish and Eggs: A Little Practical Guide

Meat, fish, and eggs are the main ingredients of several different recipes and, most of all, they are the best allies for healthy meals too. But in order to really appreciate and enjoy their nutritional benefits, you have to cook them right. This is the reason why today we are going to tell you exactly what’s best for your meat, fish, and eggs. You are going to make the most of them! Are you ready for it? Let’s get started!

Cooking Meat

Contrary to popular belief, the consumption of raw meat is not a healthy habit: in addition to being more difficult to digest, it can, in fact, be polluted by many bacteria. The meat is cooked with dry and wet techniques; the first ones include, for example, roast or grilled cooking, and are preferably chosen for the finest cuts, while wet techniques, such as boiling, are reserved for the second category cuts. The boiling – Among the various techniques, it is the one that most impoverishes the meat of its nutritive principles. In fact, during boiling, part of the mineral salts is lost in the cooking water. Roast cooking – It is generally better than oven roasting at 350 F rather than direct heat. Initially, the meat is browned; this operation is important because it has the purpose of forming a crust on the surface, so as to prevent the subsequent escape of the juices. Once the browning is done, the cooking is then proceeded without adding more fat. The grilled and speedo cooking In some ways you can consider ideal cooking techniques as they are made without adding seasoning fats and the meat, cooking, almost completely loses its fat. The grilled meat, in particular, is very digestible, but it is important that it is cleaned thoroughly from the parts eventually charred.

Cooking Fish

The meat of the fish is very soft and therefore tends to easily spoil with boiling. Wanting to boil the fish is used to cook it in water added to a little ‘vinegar, which promotes the coagulation of surface proteins. For other techniques, the same applies to meat; we only remember how the fish, which carries the fat spread all over it instead of in separate areas such as beef, is particularly suitable for baking in the paper, tasty but light due to the absence of added fats.

Cooking Eggs

During the cooking of the eggs, important transformations occur, above all of the proteins. These transformations are more or less sensitive depending on the type of cooking, and their size greatly affects the digestibility. The best cooking is the so-called soft-boiled one, in this way, there is, in fact, the full coagulation of the albumen while the yolk remains fluid and these are the forms in which you can better digest both. These are the best way to cook meat, fish and eggs. Remember to always create a balanced and variegated nutritional schedule so you can give to your body the right nutrients and substances to stay healthy.