Detox Foods: Yummy and Healthy Foods to Add to Your Daily Nutrition

The consumption of certain foods can be useful to improve the physiological mechanisms of purification and detoxification of the body.

Obviously, for our body to remain healthy and free from toxins it is not enough to consume detox foods; in fact, it is necessary to follow an active lifestyle and a healthy diet, avoiding all those substances that contribute to “to poison” the organism: alcohol, cigarette smoke, junk food.


When it comes to detox food, lemon comes to mind immediately. One of the best-known remedies to detoxify the body is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice, in the morning, on an empty stomach. The lemon, in fact, has diuretic qualities that facilitate the detoxification processes of the liver and intestine, also facilitating weight loss. The action of hot water with lemon juice stimulates intestinal peristalsis and promotes evacuation, releasing the intestine. To get the maximum benefit the lemons must be ripe and should be consumed immediately after pressing them; the intake of water and lemon in the morning should be cyclical and linked to the specific needs of the period.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, dietary fiber, water, and vitamins; all substances that promote the purification of the organism. Adding them in the diet is easy: just propose them as a side dish for lunch or dinner, raw and seasoned simply with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt, apple vinegar or lemon juice. It is, however, important to choose seasonal vegetables from organic farming to avoid the presence of pesticides.


Artichokes contain cynarin, a substance that promotes diuresis and biliary secretion; they are also rich in fiber and therefore useful for intestinal regularity. The infusion of artichoke leaves is a detox remedy as it stimulates diuresis and helps to eliminate toxins.


The grape diet is one of the best-known detox diets and has been known since ancient times. The grapes contain a lot of water, as well as sugars and a good share of mineral salts and vitamins; It has purifying, detoxifying, toning and antioxidant properties. To fully benefit from its qualities, it should be consumed when it is well ripe and without removing the peel, or the seeds. If the detox diet of the grape itself is not always advisable as excessively restrictive, it is, instead, useful for the organism to take advantage of autumn to benefit from the properties of the grapes.

Other detox foods

  • Flax seeds provide fatty acids and nutrients useful for detoxifying the body;
  • milk thistle helps to free the liver from toxins;
  • some teas and teas, for example, white tea or dandelion teas, stimulate the body’s purification mechanisms;
  • whole grains are always preferable to refined ones because they are richer in fiber and minerals;
  • the shoots help to cleanse the intestine and the liver;
  • apples, rich in pectin and water, help keep the intestine clean and regulate the passage of glucose from the intestine to the blood.

In general, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps the body to stay healthy and free from harmful substances.