Dried Fruit: Some Things To Know About This Amazing Health Booster

Dried fruit is a pleasure that is difficult to resist, the perfect idea to break the hunger or to recharge in a moment of energy decline but, like all the delights of the palate, has a “flaw”: it actually contains many calories. How much can we can eat without putting our weight at risk? Which are the main feature of dry fruit? We created an easy to follow Q&A to give you all that info you need in order to add dried fruit in your diet properly. Let’s get started!

Dried fruit: the nutritionists’ advice

Discover how to consume dried fruit with balance: because eaten with a measure, is a snack with a thousand nutritional virtues, perfect even on a diet!

Dried fruit in moderation

An eye to the calories we have to give it but it’s OK to integrate it into your diet because the dried fruit also has many valuable benefits for your body. Therefore a moderate consumption is advisable both for those not on a diet and for those who follow a diet.

What is the recommended amount for those on a diet? Would you recommend a daily consumption of dried fruit?

Consume a small ration of dried fruit every day such as peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios or cashew nuts can be very useful because they are a source of essential nutrients for daily diet. The high concentrations of proteins (up to 20%), minerals, fatty acids and amino acids make them absolutely irreplaceable. The daily consumption should be about 10 gr for those on a diet and about 20 gr for those who are not on a diet.

Can it be considered a valid alternative as a snack, for dieters and not?

You can recommend as a snack to those who do physical activity, those who are on a diet maybe as an alternative to other solutions.

A moderate consumption of dried fruit is good for our body?

Moderate consumption can be good for our bodies because they are foods that contain a good percentage of “good” fats that help keep low blood cholesterol levels low, and they also have a good percentage of fiber.

Is it true that it contains more minerals than fresh fruit?

Dried fruit contains a good percentage of trace elements and minerals including magnesium and zinc.

What is the most vitaminic and least caloric fruit?

Almonds are among the least caloric, protein and fiber-rich fruits.

Dried fruit: does the drying procedure cause a loss of nutrients?

Drying involves the loss of water but not of the nutrients, therefore, the dried fruit maintains its nutritional characteristics. So, with these little fruits you can easily boost your health while keeping things easy, yummy and even on the go. Yes, because, a bunch of dried fruit could be the perfect snack idea for busy people. Plus, you can add it to your breakfast, to your smoothies or to your most common dishes to give that amazing crunchy touch!