Fabulous Food On-The-Go Ideas

Ever been so busy that the only time you have to eat is while walking or driving somewhere? We’ve all been there, and often, when we let ourselves get to the point of near-starvation, we don’t make the best choices for the foods we eat.

With a little planning though, you can take your food on the go more healthfully. Here are some ideas to try to keep hunger at bay even if you have no time to sit all day!

  1. Hand pies

Pies aren’t always for dessert, you know. They can come in savory form. And when they are, they can be incredibly delicious. Plus, they’re healthier than the junk you’d get from the drive-thru. Make these ahead on your day off and freeze the extras to heat up, head out the door and go. You can fill them with meats, cheeses, beans, vegetables and anything else you desire.

  1. Pita sandwiches

Pita bread makes a perfect pocket for which you can stuff your favorite fillings. Fill them up with roasted chicken, lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes, or try tuna salad in them too. Wrap them up tight and when you’re ready to eat, simply unwrap as you go to keep them stuffed up until you’re stuffed!

  1. Frittatas

Get out your muffin tin and make mini frittatas that you can bake and then take on the go anywhere you go. They’re great for breakfast or lunch and you can make them with whatever veggies you’ve got on-hand.

  1. Burritos

You don’t need to drive-thru for hand-held burrito satisfaction. Simply make your own and wrap them to go for a healthier version of this Mexican classic. Fill it with beans and veggies, or go with meats. Cut your carbs by keeping rice out of the picture.

  1. Falafel

Falafel isn’t just fun to say…it’s fun to eat too! You can take these tasty balls of fried chickpeas anywhere. Stuff them in a pita, or just take them along in a cup. They’ll make for a fantastic meal that hits those exotic cravings you’re in the mood for.

  1. Pizza muffins

Don’t buy an overpriced slice of pizza, or worse, eat more pizza than you bargained for. Instead, make-ahead some pizza muffins with your own fresh ingredients. They keep well and can be easily carried and eaten with one hand for the ultimate multi-tasking meal on the go.

  1. Mason jar salads

To-go salads that are soggy and bland are a thing of the past. Make your salad in a mason jar and it will always taste bistro-fresh and fabulous. You’ll have to put the dressing in first, then work your layers up. There are so many delicious salads you can make that you can have a different one every day of the year!

Skip the drive-thru and skip on through your day more healthfully with these tasty food on-the-go ideas that will satisfy your soul and your appetite.