Foods to Lower Your Cholesterol

One of the most common health problems amongst adults is high cholesterol. High cholesterol amongst adults is particularly prevalent in the United States due to the unhealthy diet high in saturated and trans fats that many Americans eat. However, a poor diet is not the only cause of high cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol, it could be because of genetic factors, lack of exercise, excessive and long-term smoking, a BMI of 30 or higher or high blood sugar. These are just some of the most common factors that lead to high cholesterol, but there are many others. So, if you have high cholesterol, what are your options to fix it? Luckily, high cholesterol is by no means irreversible. However, many doctors will simply prescribe medication to help lower your cholesterol when there are several ways to do so naturally. If you aren’t a fan of medication, or simple would like to focus on holistic health, you should try to lower your cholesterol through your dietary choices. The have been several studies conducted to prove that, when certain foods are introduced to your diet, your cholesterol naturally becomes lower. Here is a list of the top three foods that can lower your cholesterol and how they help:


One of the best ways to fight high cholesterol is by consuming more fiber. Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate derived from plants that can help your body digest food slower and absorb nutrients better. When the average person eats 25-35 grams of fiber daily, with half of that coming from soluble fiber, it can lower the risk of several diseases and health issues, including high cholesterol. Make sure to eat a breakfast packed with fiber to kickstart your day. Having oats for breakfast can help lower your cholesterol and keep you fuller for longer.

Fatty fish

When trying to lower cholesterol, it’s important to have a balanced diet high in healthy nutrients like protein and healthy fats. One of the first things to cut back on is red meat. Red meat, along with dairy, is high in saturated fats. However, if you cut back on red meats, you must find another source of protein. Fatty fish is the best option because it is low in saturated fats, but high in omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fats have been proven to lower risk of high cholesterol, heart attack and high blood pressure.

Vegetable Oils

Foods high in saturated and trans fats, like butter, are the worst to eat when you are trying to lower your cholesterol. Instead of cooking with butter or margarine, try using vegetable oils  such as canola or sunflower oil, as they are low in the “bad” kinds of fats.

Regardless of the cause behind your high cholesterol, whether it’s genetic or due to poor health choices, altering your diet can do wonders. These are just five of the most helpful foods when it comes to lowering your cholesterol naturally, but this list is by no means complete. Other foods that can help lower your cholesterol include barley, apples and nuts. If you want to embark on the journey to becoming a healthier person- and one who doesn’t need to take medication- try incorporating some of these foods into your diet. You’ll be amazed at the results!