Fruits for a More Healthy and Fit Body

Are you following a weight loss diet and want to push your metabolism in such a way that it helps you lose weight more easily? Among the foods to watch out for is fruit: here are some quick tips on how to eat it and which types would be preferred

The mistakes we make at the table can slow down the metabolism and cause overweight, and eating the fruit at the end of a meal can make the body fail to process the sugars naturally contained in it and then turn them into fat.

When to eat fruit?

Every day you should eat, in addition to three portions of vegetables, also two portions of fruit, or a fruit of about 150g at a time. Better to eat it as a snack – therefore on an empty stomach – or at most half an hour before a meal, because doing so will stay full longer and you will not get to one of the main hungry meals; in addition we will ensure a stock of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body, above all to stimulate a faster metabolism.

Eaten at the end of the meal, as is usually used in Italy, the fruit causes intestinal fermentations, swellings, and stomach acid. Eating it on an empty stomach will trigger a detoxification process that helps cleanse the intestine and feel better. The ideal would be to consume whole fruits and peel. The peel, in fact, is the part of the fruit richer in fiber. In case you want to prepare a fruit salad, it is good to consume it immediately so that the chosen fruits do not lose the precious properties they contain in nature.

How Much Fruit Can You Eat in Slimming Diets

Attention, it is not true that you can eat a lot of fruit because it contains sugars, so avoid so-called purifying diets or those that only provide fruit throughout the day, since this food is not sufficient to cover the daily needs of the body. It is essential, for a balanced diet, to ensure a proper ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even sugars, in fact.

5 Types of Dietary Fruits

What are the fruits that help the most to lose weight? Here are five categories:

Fruits high in carbohydrates, which should be eaten exclusively for breakfast as they give the energy needed to better face the day. They are: banana, plum, pear, kiwi, pineapple, mango, grapes and figs and should be consumed in combination with dried fruit, such as dates, raisins, almonds and so on;

Fruits low in carbohydrates, which have a high water content and help counteract the presence of bad cholesterol, to burn fat and lose weight. They are watermelon, peach, melon, apple, and papaya;

Citrus and berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and in little quantity strawberries. They help to improve intestinal activity and therefore to detoxify the body, purify the blood and strengthen the cardiovascular system, and help improve digestion and reduce appetite, thus leading to a healthy and gradual weight loss;

Dried fruit, which can be added in the slimming diet but in small quantities, is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, helps to burn excess fat and reduce cholesterol, thus promoting healthy weight loss.