Health Benefit of Flax Seeds

Flaxseeds are gotten from the flax plant (Linumusitatissimum), a plant native to Egypt. It has long been known for making fibers useful in the textile industries. However, in recent times, the world is getting conscious of the myriads of uses to which the wonder plant can be put.

Flaxseeds can be either taken as seeds or crushed and squeezed to release the flaxseed oil which can be used in cooking or baking bread. There are quite a number of healthful benefits associated with taking flaxseeds.

Protection against Cancer: Flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, a chemical substance used to inhibit cancerous growth, thus, preventing metastasis of cells that could result in cancer. Again, flaxseeds contain lignans which are antiangiogenic in nature. Lignans help to stop tumors from growing in new blood vessels when we make them a part of our daily diet.

Prevention of Cardiovascular Disorders: Arteries and veins of the heart are made healthier with daily consumption of flaxseed. The flaxseed regulates heartbeat and prevents inflammation, enhancing the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. The lignans in flaxseed help in preventing the accumulation of cholesterol in the cardiovascular system. Additionally, an arrhythmia is corrected using flaxseed.

Reducing Hot Flashes: Hot flashes usually experienced by menopausal women can be significantly reduced with flaxseeds. Scientific findings have revealed that women in menopause can mix ground flaxseed with cereals or drinks to reduce their hot flashes daily.

Control of Blood Sugar: Type-2 diabetes, diabetes mellitus, is usually caused by low levels of the hormone insulin in the body. Flaxseed powder has some insoluble fiber which cuts down blood sugar level, thereby helping diabetic patients to live longer. Flaxseed is beneficial and contains high nutrients rich in protein, a food class essential for diabetic patients.

Reducing Constipation: Flaxseed contains a high fiber level which adds bulk to fecal matter, easing ejection of feces and reducing constipation. The insoluble fiber present in flaxseeds aids the movement of undigested food substances through the gut. However, it is advisable to take flaxseed with sufficient water to prevent intestinal tract blockage.

Finally, Flaxseed is no doubt a 21st century wonder plant that comes with a lot of healthful benefits. A daily diet with flaxseed extracts will lengthen the lifespan of humans the more. It prevents a whole lot of diseases.