Healthy Snacks for Busy People

Snacks in front of the computer are perfect, mid-morning or late afternoon snacks when the last meal has been digested and the next one is missing too many hours to resist. Of course, the snacks (especially in the office) are likely to raise the waist, but there is no need to endure hunger pangs, just knowing how to choose. Making a healthy and low-calorie snack, albeit nutritious, is easier than it looks.

Just follow a few simple rules: fruits and vegetables are foods that are hypocaloric in nature and rich in water so they always go well; whole grains are precious allies of our line and promise to give us a flat stomach and a more toned skin and seeds and dried fruit are a source rich in vitamins and minerals.

Starting from these basic rules, we have thought of a list of healthy and light snacks, which you can take with you to work (or in some cases buy directly at vending machines), to be consumed when the stomach, between a meal and the other, begins to grumble.


The apple is a fruit rich in water and fiber, with a reduced quantity of rapidly absorbed sugar compared to other more caloric cousins, such as cherries and banana. Bring an apple with you to the office and eat it preferably with the skin (which is a great source of fiber, perfect for promoting intestinal regularity). Just a warning: remember to wash it with bicarbonate, otherwise you will eat pesticides and those are not the best for our health!

Detox Smoothie

 At least once a week you can choose a smoothie as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Make sure you mix fruits and vegetables: the fruit sugars will give you the necessary energy to continue until the next meal and vegetables (choose the white-green one: spinach, celery, and fennel will be perfect) will help you detonate. The porcelain skin effect is guaranteed.

Fruit Salad

Fruit salad If you do not know which fruit to choose, try them all. Order – or prepare yourself at home before going out – a fresh fruit salad with a lemon juice that preserves intact the quality and flavor of different foods and enjoys a break of true relaxation without the fear of bad surprises when climbing on the scale

Pumpkin seeds

 Seeds are a food that would be good to introduce in your daily diet. Those of pumpkin then, they are also very good! Added in a salad or on a velvety but also nibbled alone between meals. An excellent salty hunger-cruncher that will help us to arrive unharmed at the next meal.

Dried fruit  

Dried fruit, being less rich in water than fresh fruit, is inevitably more caloric and must, therefore, be consumed in inferior doses. Do not demonize it though: it is a superfood, or a food rich in healthy nutrients and perfect to keep not only fit but also beautiful. Consume, at least a couple of times a week, a handful of walnuts or almonds (not toasted or salted) and you will see your skin rejuvenate and flesh out. Seeing is believing.