COVID-19: 5 Tips To Properly Wash Fruit And Vegetable Produce Before Consumption

With coronavirus spreading rapidly across the world, food safety and handling is becoming of utmost importance. Here are some tips to help you properly wash your fruit and vegetable produce and keep them free of germs. 

1. Washing your hands before handling produce

One of the top preventive measures against the new coronavirus is the washing of hands. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before handling any fruit or vegetable that will go into your mouth. In fact, it is recommended to wash your hands even before you rinse the fruits and that you wash your hands again when you’re done. 

2. Rinse your produce in running water 

If you rinse your produce in a bowl, there’s still a good chance that the bacteria will still be on them even after you have rinsed them. The best thing to do is to rinse the produce in running water, followed by rubbing with hands. 

3. Do not use soap or any detergent 

While it is perfectly fine to wash your hands with soap and water, the FDA says you don’t need to use soap or any detergent when it comes to cleaning produce. If there’s damage or bruising before eating, just cut away the affected area. 

4. Use a brush or sponge if necessary 

Some types of produce like potatoes and carrots don’t get clean when washed with only rubbing of hands. In such situations, it is a great idea to use a brush or sponge to scrub the produce until they are rid of all germs.

5. Apply extra care to certain fruits and vegetables

Some fruits and veggies are not firm, so you need to apply extra care when cleaning them. For example, berries should be placed in a colander and rinsed under running water to remove pathogens. 

In all, it’s safer to always check the fruits and vegetables at the market before you make a purchase to confirm that they aren’t bruised or damaged.