How to Grill Vegetables Perfectly Every Time

Summertime grilling usually conjures up images of sizzling meats. But vegetables can bring on some superb seared flavors too. The trick is knowing how to cook them right. If you’ve ever tried and failed, get your grill ready and follow these tips to grilling vegetables perfectly every time!

– Lightly oil your veggies

All veggies need a little coating of oil first before hitting the grill. The emphasis is on a “little” because too much oil can cause flare-ups and add excess calories. Try an oil mister to spray on some olive oil or gently toss them in a bowl first to evenly coat your veggies.

– Know how long to cook them

Some veggies are done in just a minute or two. Others will take much longer, like potatoes. You’ve got to balance the heat or you’ll have a charred potatoes with that raw center inside. Not exactly delicious. The best way is to sear your vegetables over high heat. Once they have that nice coloring, move them to the cooler part of your grill and let them finish cooking.

Another option? Precook them in your kitchen and then finish them off on the grill outside.

– Skewer together small pieces

When you want to make things like mushrooms, zucchini, or even cherry tomatoes, they are pure heaven on the grill. Unfortunately, if you leave them loose, they will fall through the grate and burn up. Instead, use skewers to make vegetable kabobs or put them in a grill basket.

Don’t have either? Use heavy-duty foil and create a makeshift basket. This will give them all those bold grilled flavors without them falling into the flames.

– Make foil packets

Tending to vegetables on the grill requires more vigilance than meat. If you don’t want to stand over the grill and keep watch, you can use foil packets instead. This way, you can enjoy mingling with your guests and still turn out a tasty meal, complete with perfectly grilled vegetables.

Take a length of foil and lightly coat one side with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange your thin slices of vegetables in a single layer with just a little overlap per piece. Fold it up and pinch the edges together to seal it. Make sure to cover the grill when you put your packets on. Leave them on only until tender and be careful when you open them. The steam can really scald!

Ready to get the grill out and have a backyard barbecue? Now you can make your vegetables on the grill without ruining them. Try asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, as well as an other favorites and see the difference a little searing makes to bring out the natural flavors.