How to Make Soup from What’s In Your Fridge

While most of us prefer to follow a recipe when cooking, at least until we become more comfortable with a dish to the point where we can make our own little additions, soup is one of those fantastic throw-it-together meals that you can make with whatever you have in our fridge. Don’t believe us? We’re here to prove it.


Almost any vegetable will make a great soup, including: potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnip, tomatoes, celery, mushrooms, onions, leeks, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots – the list is endless. The only warning – you need to like the taste of the vegetable, or you won’t like the taste of the soup.


In addition to the vegetables, you will need some stock, salt and pepper, and anything else is optional, such as herbs and spices, a tin of tomatoes, or a dollop of yoghurt.


Cut up all of your veg so they are basically the same size, and fry them off in a little oil or butter on a low heat (you can brown them if you want to). After the veggies have softened, add around four cups of stock, cover, and simmer for around one hour until all vegetables are soft. Puree the soup in a blender, and there you have it!


To add flavour, you can try curry powder, chili powder, cumin, cinnamon, or any other herbs or spices. Be a little adventurous to see what flavours you enjoy.


You can make soup with whatever ingredients you have to hand, without a recipe, and if you stumble across a really delicious one – be sure to write it down so you remember what went into it for next time.