How to Nail the Perfect Fried Egg Every Single Time

Is breakfast just not your thing? Do you have a hard time maintaining consistency in your cooking? Do you love eggs, but never seem to find yours as tasty as your favorite breakfast spot? With this tactic, you will learn to cook the perfect fried egg every single time.

First of all, it is imperative to use olive oil instead of butter when greasing your skillet. Butter will certainly help to grease the pan, but it wont assist in cooking the egg nearly as well as a nice layer of olive oil will.

STEP 1: Coat bottom of pan with olive oil and heat under medium heat until shimmering.

When you add your eggs, crack them on a level surface to ensure a clean crack and ensure there is enough space between each egg once they hit the pan.

STEP 2: Crack two eggs and drop them into the pan gently.

When cooking your eggs, use a rubber spatula to softly move your eggs around the pan and to lightly move olive oil over the top of the egg for roughly two minutes.

Step 3: Cook your eggs for two minutes or until golden brown.

After two minutes, allow your olive oil to pool at the bottom of the pan as you tilt it downwards. Then, gently pour more olive oil over the any areas of the egg that appear uncooked (except the yolk!) for one minute.

Step 4: Eat your eggs!

Once your eggs are crispy with golden brown edges and your yolks are still soft and runny, remove them from the pan, season to taste with some salt and pepper, and serve and eat! With this method, your eggs will be perfect every single time.

Other uses:
A crispy fried egg can also be used to add to a burger, fried rice, or a breakfast burrito. The flavorful whites and runny yolk will be the perfect compliment to other paired proteins and veggies!