How to Prep All of Your Meals for the Week in One Day

Let’s face it, it’s 2018 and our lives are busier than ever. In a world where we are constantly connected via our mobile devices, cooking for one or for the family takes a nice chunk of valuable time out of our day after work. One way to take this time back for yourself is by prepping your meals for the week on a Sunday morning.


Start by picking out some of your favorite vegetables that roast well in the oven like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Onions, and Carrots! Chop, slice, and dice to your own preference and split them up into five freezer-safe plastic storage bags or freezer-safe plastic storage containers.

Next, boil up a few cups of white or brown rice and add those to your storage containers. To spice these up a bit you can add various spices and seasonings along with salt and pepper to taste.

Lastly, pick your protein! The list and options here are truly endless. Any type of protein will compliment these veggies well! For instance, you could add some grilled chicken, breaded baked chicken, grilled steak, roast beef, or some lean proteins like turkey and salmon! Mix it up and give yourself and your family some options and variety throughout the week. Not only are these meals simple and easy to prep and cook, but they’re also easy on the wallet and healthy for the body. Season these proteins as you like and try marinating them in your favorite sauces. The flavor combinations are truly endless!

Since all of your ingredients have been pre-cooked, once your meals are defrosted, heat them up in the oven to your desired temperature all in one pan, minimizing the cleanup and maximizing your time before and after dinner to relax, wind down, and enjoy your free time the way you want to without cheating yourself out of a good meal.

1 thought on “How to Prep All of Your Meals for the Week in One Day”

  1. Good idea if you know days ahead what you’re going to want to eat on any particular evening. If you don’t…

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