How to Use Turmeric to Kick Your Health Up a Notch

Turmeric has been used since ancient times, predominantly in Asian cultures, revered as a healing agent for a wide variety of ailments. In recent years though, Western civilization has picked up on this trend which is why you’ve found it tucked into the description of that chicken dish you ordered at the newest restaurant in town. Even small amounts of it lend plenty of benefits and a bright burst of color without adding an unusual taste.

It looks like ginger root, only the inside is orange instead of golden. Fresh turmeric grated into curries, soups, stews and marinades is the best way to reap the powerful health benefits of this ingredient. It contains an antioxidant in it called curcumin which naturally reduces inflammation and goes a step beyond to get your body to produce more antioxidant enzymes. It helps boost the brain and prevent brain disorders, heal your heart and prevent heart disease, plus it can prevent forms of digestive cancers too.

With all the antioxidant power, it’s also ideal for keeping your youthful looks. So now that you’re ready to use turmeric in everything, we’ve got suggestions for making the most of it. Note that while using fresh is always best, if you can’t find it or would prefer to sneak it into your recipes in powdered form, you’ll still get these health benefit. Just use make sure it’s organic.

Ideas for using turmeric in your kitchen that go beyond delicious Indian curry:

  • Marinades: You won’t be able to taste it, plus it imparts a nice color to your meats, especially chicken and fish.
  • Soup: Just about any soup you make can do with a bit of turmeric. Again, you won’t taste it. You may notice the color looks more brilliant and that you feel more energized after eating it though.
  • Mac n’ cheese: Can’t get your kids to eat vegetables? You’re not alone. But if you mix powdered turmeric in with their mac n’ cheese, they won’t taste it and you can breathe easy knowing they’re getting antioxidants with every bite.
  • Coffee: Sprinkle it in your brewed coffee along with ground ginger for a Middle Eastern twist that adds more antioxidants to your morning cup.
  • Scrambled eggs: Here’s another one the kids won’t notice. It makes the eggs look even brighter and again, no detectable taste!

You can likely think of many more scenarios where you can sneak in turmeric to keep you and your family healthier. Add it in slowly though because with enough of it, you CAN taste the difference, however you don’t need to add large amounts to get the benefits of consuming it.

2 thoughts on “How to Use Turmeric to Kick Your Health Up a Notch”

  1. these are great suggestions but I have to disagree with “you won’t be able to taste it. I think it has a very distinctive taste which I don’t find unpleasant but I might not like it in my coffee!

  2. I have been using turmeric in capsule form for almost a year now and it has quite literally taken away the pain in my knees as well as my heel where a heel spur was inflaming my Achilles’ tendon. It doesn’t work for everyone but it sure works for me. I haven’t used it much in cooking but I see no reason not to.

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